Here goes:
‘Journeys are something we all do, every day, and regardless of length they can give us moments filled with awe, with joy, respect and insight. Each journey puts challenges in our way, and can give us times of hesitation, of real uncertainty, even self-doubt. Transfer each of these to the long road and an adventure is under way.
Travelling makes us vulnerable as it takes us away from things we understand, feel comfortable with and are reassured by. Enjoy that vulnerability. This tingle of fear is an enhancer to any journey, for without it the road through strange lands can feel little more than a stroll in the park. Facing the fears that are so often present gives us the chance to learn and to grow. Things can go wrong on the road; sometimes badly wrong. But it’s at times like these that a traveller finds out who they really are. It’s at times like these when their faith in humanity is restored and the true value of life is discovered. Do not fear the unknown; revel in it.
Adventures begin with dreams. Cling onto them with passion, however distant they may feel. All the delights of those strange lands are there for you to discover and explore. Know that things work out for the best. They may not seem to be doing so at the time, but those travellers with open hearts and minds, those with determination and respect, those who know how to smile in the face of adversity, are gifted with solutions in the most unlikely of ways.
Expect the unexpected and the long road will delight you from one day to the next. Enjoy your discoveries, challenges, delights and surprises, they are where your dreams have taken you. Take value from the point that it is you who have nurtured those dreams. It is you who with passion and strength of character that has made them grow into an awesome, wonderfully 3D living reality.‘
I hope that all of your journeys are in full vibrant colour.