I’m feeling honoured. MCN (Motorcycle News) have published this article. Thanks to Justin Hayzelden who wrote it, and to the MCN editor and designers for the shots they chose
The more I’ve thought about this quite wonderful piece in MCN over the weekend, and seen thumbs up comments from everyone (thank you very much!) the more I’m conscious that this is very much a shared thing. Please read on…
I didn’t write the books looking for fame. I wrote them with the aim of sharing the fun of the road and some of this amazing world of ours, but also with the hope that more people would go out and see some of it for themselves. Birgit has been an incredible collaborator; I’m a very lucky guy.
There is a reality. MCN wouldn’t have written this had it not been for the people who help me to do what I do.
The list is long. It starts with every person who did something to help us on our way on the big trip; be that a fascinating place to visit, a great road to ride, a place to stay, or at times a warning not to head a particular way.
It includes those who have helped me produce and promote my books, and so be able to share the tales of the road; Iain, Fil, Peter, Paul, Nikki, Francis, Jez, Chard, Chris, Simon, Walter, Carl, and John who very sadly passed on last week. You guys have been amazing. Thank you for sharing your talents.
It also includes every person who bought a book. Everyone who took a moment to post a review on Amazon or Goodreads, or to write to me and say they enjoyed one of my books. It’s you guys who have encouraged me to keep going.
I also much appreciate those people who very kindly shared a thumbs up on their time lines. Plus of course every magazine who made space and time for a review. A significant note of thanks must go to Motorcycle Sport and Leisure for taking my first articles and for teaching me the craft of writing; I paid close attention to their edits! I must give thanks also to every podcast who has invited me to join them for a show. Adventure Rider Radio (Thank you for invting me to be part of the team), Bruce Smart, BMW, Sidestand Up, Nathan Millward, Ted Kettler and more. It’s a real jigsaw puzzle of appreciation.
I’m grateful to every organisation over the years who have booked me to stand on stage and share the travels, and of course to everyone who came and listened.
I’m also grateful to those companies who invited me to be a guest author to book sign at some of the biggest motorcycle shows in the world. That has been a privilege.
Every one of you has helped make this piece in MCN happen! This motorcycling world of ours is a special place. Thanks mates.