The Overlanders rally not to miss! Motorcycle, 4×4 or overlanding truck, this is the event to be at! For sure I’m going to be. Just click on the link to find out just how much there is going on!
Find us all just outside Flagstaff Arizona between May 20th and 22nd for an overlanding fest. Classes, equipment, skills courses, authors (ahem, I ’ll be one of them), lectures, round table sessions and multimedia presentations.
I’m involved with 7 classes and presentations:
*Riding Vietnam
*Travelling Norway
*The alternatives to taking a Big Trip
*Dealing with Borders Checkpoints & Bribes
*A session on Top Travel Tips from some hugely experienced overlanders
*Chasing Sponsorship?
In between I’ll probably be found Book signing or supping scotch by a fire-pit somewhere!