Heard of Biker FM? I hadn’t until a year ago when a friend mentioned them to me. By that time I’d been involved with the Side Stand Up show in the USA so was interested to hear that an online radio show for motorcyclists was available in the UK.
One of the presenters concentrates on the world of adventure motorcycling so I was delighted to be invited on his show…
Author Archives: Sam Manicom
We are there at last and what a great adventure this has been! ‘Into Africa’ has just been released as an Audio Book. When I realised that hardly any motorcycle travel books have been released as audio books, I thought it would be fun to have a go…
HU? It’s all about fun, learning and making friends with people who understand your dreams. What an amazing weekend we’ve just had; it’s the atmosphere that HU and Overlanders create. More please…
Something I love about motorcycling is the people you meet, and something else is the passion motorcyclists have for life and exploring. I generally find bikers a buzz to be around. Yes I know, there are some skuldugerous types but aren’t there in all walks of life…
What a crazy couple of months these last two have been – loads going on and all of it good. April was packed with presentations around the UK and full on work on two new projects. And I can tell you about one of those right now…
There’s lots of conversation going on about the plans to include Ethanol in fuel in the UK, and what the effects of that are on bikes, particularly older models. There are quite a few myths and legends floating around about the subject…
Ha! Well, I did say anything goes didn’t I? This is something completely different and there’s so much I have to tell you, as I’m tapping out these words I’m wondering where to begin and end! Let’s start with Lois. Lois Pryce I mean. I wonder how many motorcyclists haven’t heard of Lois, her two […]
By 10.30 the parking area was full and bikes were stretched down the road for hundreds of yards in both directions. I stood at the doorway to the Cafe for just a moment and all I could hear was the confident burble of overlanding bikes and the cheerful natter…
It’s a week now since the London Motorcycle Show, and that’s given me the chance to catch up, and to ponder a few things…
Don’t you love it when something really surprises you? Nathan Millward’s adventure motorcycle travel book The Long Ride ‘Home’ has just done that to me. Read on…