Birgit and I would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Brilliant New Year. We hope that whatever you have planned for the season, you, your families and your friends have a wonderful time. I love this time of year because we all get together and the feeling of goodwill is […]
Author Archives: Sam Manicom
Ex Magazine. “So what is all this overlanding lark all about and how did you get into it?”
‘I want to ask you some questions you’ve probably never been asked before.’
I was contacted by Jim Martin from the Canadian on line radio station Adventure Rider Radio. Would I be willing to be interviewed? ‘If we are going to be talking travel,’ said I, ‘then absolutely.
I put off reading this book until I had the time to do it justice – it waited quite a while in the end! Why wait? Well, this is a book by a first time author about riding a Triumph Bonneville motorcycle across the USA; 3 months on as many of the non-main routes as possible. I liked the idea and I wanted it to be a great read, but I was worried that it could be a hackneyed, cliché packed, monotonous diary.
I was delighted when the team at Adventure Bike TV asked me to be their first ‘Under the Visor’ interviewee. This is how it went.
Sometimes a traveller’s plans simply don’t work out as intended, but for Sam every mishap is the beginning of a unique adventure; silver linings do exist.
Other than being on the road, I can’t think of a better way for a travel enthusiast to spend their time than reading this book. Ureka stands as the best new motorcycle travel book I’ve read this year. Why? Read on…
It surprised me! You’ll see why it also delighted. Let’s put it this way, if you’ve never listened to an audiobook before, then well, this one might be the start of something new. Zen Motorcyclist think so.
In 8 years I can only remember two times that the BMF Motorcycle show in Peterborough has had wall to wall sunshine that is. And what a difference…