Last year when I was over at the Overland Expo Event just outside Flagstaff in Arizona USA, I met two fascinating people. Pablo and Anna. This duo are travelling around the world in a 4×4 van called the Cockroach! As soon as I heard just that I knew there was going to be a fine story to be had.
Pablo Rey is from Argentina and was living in Spain when he met Anna, who is Spanish. The two of them lived a fairly normal life, targeting all the things that one is supposed to in the real world. But these two had itchy feet. They started to scratch that itch in 2000 and are still on the road now.
I’m not going to give much more away as their book ‘Around the World in 10 Years’ is a real voyage of discovery. I don’t want to spoil the journey you are going to have as you read.
I will tell you that the dedication is ‘To those who never give up’ and that the book covers Spain, across Europe, the Middle East and on to Egypt. It leaves you tantalisingly on the ferry into Sudan.
Why do I like it? It rolls wonderfully with terrific descriptions, and excellent, decidedly unique humour. Over and over again you find that Pablo has a real talent for writing ‘how it is’; hair on neck moments and bizarre alike. If you are an experienced traveller, you’ll relate to so many moments. And if you are an inexperienced traveller you’ll find yourself inspired, informed and wanting more – for yourself!
The only thing I don’t like is the cover – decidedly un-inspirational, but maybe that’s just me.
ISBN 13-978-18276-9551 You can find out more from their website and from Amazon