I’ve been asked this question lot recently. “What sleeping kit do you use when on the road?” 1st up. We both use 3/4 length Thermarest self inflating sleeping mats. Birgit is 5′ tall so in no way does she need anything longer, so why carry the bulk of a longer mat? I’m 6’1″ tall so isn’t […]
The more I’ve thought about this quite wonderful piece in MCN over the weekend, and seen thumbs up comments from everyone (thank you very much!) the more I’m conscious that this is very much a shared thing. Please read on…
I smiled this morning. Amazon offered me a free listen to Distant Suns. A good deal actually, but I think I know the story. I was prompted to see what listeners thought. I am hugely grateful to those kind people who take some time to post a star rating and even comment on my books. […]
Sometimes overlanding gets really tense. I still didn’t have my visa for Iran, but had just a couple of days left on my Pakistan visa..
It took him 2 years to craft this book, and I use that word with respect for his strengths, honesty and skill.
Have you ever ridden past somewhere and later really regretted not stopping to look, or not taking that side turning?
Slash an inner tube? Fix it. Slash a tubeless tyre? Fix it and ride out of trouble.
It was desert country as you can see, but quite cold at the time. Even with the work of tyre changing it was a ‘layers all on’ kind of temperature.
Usually to be found with scarred hides, these scars are not considered to be…
True no? Planning a big motorcycle trip starts with the dream, arranging the time & the cash. And then the gear juggle starts. What do you really need? When I started my 8 year round the world trip I had common sense, but didn’t have a clue! The Adventure Armchair Festival ‘Bootcamp’ starts online on […]