Admittedly, just over 3 months of that was taken up being medevaced back to the UK, being told I’d never ride a motorcycle again, and working to prove them wrong!
The shot is of Guy with his ‘95 (I think) 1100GS, Birgit on her ‘71 R60/5 (she looks quite tall in this shot doesn’t she) and at the bottom of the slope, yours truly on my ‘91 R80GS. Backroads Colombia. Beautiful! It was one of those moments when the sense of freedom was strong. A day where we’d been seeing new and unusual things around just about every corner. It was also a good moment because we didn’t really know where we were!
We’d all met way down south in Ushuaia just after New Years’, and then again in Peru. Guy and Marlene were brilliant fun to travel with when our paths crossed now and then over the next months.
If you’d like to know more about the journey through South America then you’ll find the full story in my book ‘Distant Suns’. Which by the way, is based on Birgit’s diaries.
Distant Suns is available as a paperback direct from here, Amazon and the Book Depository. It’s also available as a Kindle and as an Audiobook from both Audible and i-Tunes
I-Tunes reviewers comment:
Part 3 of an amazing adventure!
Okay, I have all 4 of Sam Manicom books on audio! I got “Into Africa” when it was the only one on iTunes! And I have honestly listened to them all probably 10 to 15 times(I drive a lot), and they never get old. But I do feel like I have to WARN the girls and guys like me(the peeps working 5days a week), listening will cause you to start thinking about up and quieting your job to hit the road!
I got the great opportunity to meet Sam at a presentation a few years back (right when “Distant Suns” came out in audio), the pictures he shared about the part of his trip which is covered in “Into Africa” made the story that much more real and amazing! He is a wonderful person.
I highly recommend all 4 of his books(“Into Africa”, “Under Asian Skies”, “Distant Suns” and “Tortillas to Totems”) on audio!