Perhaps it’s simply that you are fascinated by all there is out there to see and explore. If you are interested in being both entertained and enthralled, join the ARR shows and their guests.
You’ll have heard of many of the guests but equally, show host Jim Martin and his producer Beth have a real talent for hunting out people you’ve not come across yet, but have tales of the road that really should be shared.
You’ll find the contents of the shows eye raising at times, almost always fascinating and frequently surprising.
The monthly sister show is Adventure Rider Radio RAW and raw it can be too! As in plenty of laughter, lots of surprises and always a huge number of top travel tips. How does the show make this possible? Jim Martin hosts a panel of 5 very experienced long distance motorcycle travellers from around the world.
Authors Brian Rix and Shirley Hardy-Rix from Australia travelled many parts of the world two up over extended journeys. Founder of the incredible Horizons Unlimited site Canadian Grant Johnson is a key part of the panel with his wealth of experience which commenced with his two up journey around the world with his wife Susan. Next on the panel is travel addict and author Michelle Lamphere. Michelle, from the Black Hills of South Dakota in the USA, has travelled solo, with a riding partner and as parts of groups so she has a wealth of information to share. The fifth panellist is yours truly from the UK.
Most of the topics and questions are sent in to us by listeners. “What would you do about…?” “How would you deal with ??? situation?” “Do you have any top tips for…?”
The atmosphere of the show has been described as ‘…sitting around the kitchen table with a bunch of friends, surrounded by enthusiasm and laughter, with ideas in full flow.’

The May 2023 episode of RAW has just been released and in this show… ‘There are an endless amount of spectacular motorcycle routes all around the world, and choosing which one to ride on your next adventure can be overwhelming, especially if you are limited by time. So, we asked the panel to suggest what they think are some of the best routes in world to ride in less than a week, when to go and what skill levels are required.’
Join us for the answers. We have some beautiful surprises in store for you.